Holi Festival of colour

Holi Festival of colour

Friday, 10 December 2010

My Routine and I am not talking dance

So I thought it might be interesting to to tell you about my daily routine now I am in Nepalganji. Nepalganji is on the south west border of Nepla, its only 15km to the Indian border, so I can apparently nip over the border to buy bollywood outfits and coffee at raamro price.

Each morning I get up about 7:00- 8:00, take out last nights ear plugs and boil a pan of water. When the water is boiled I transfer this tiny amount into a bucket and mix with cold water-this is my shower/bucket. I have got this really handy glove thingy which makes the thimble soap and water go further. They I dress and do yoga or hooping, if I am feeling brave I will go for a run. Gwyeth, my current flat mate is up and about and breakfasted before me, so I will conjure up some random breakfast like tomatoes on shit white sugary bread, followed by yogurt and banana.

Using my bucket I will then hand wash what ever I fancy e.g. sheets, towels, underwear - there are no washing machines!

After buggering about for a couple of ours we will cram at our nepali language before our lesson begins for about two hours before a lunch of lentil and vegetable soup. After lucnh I always have a 1 exact teaspoon of fresh coffee made of the stove using Gwyneths coffee maker thingy. Then we sit and wait for our teacher who is usually 25 minutes late, during sometime I will have a strop and go to make tea, it feels like I am a teenager again-but the teacher is sometimes very frustrating and so is learning Nepali.

After 4 hour lesson, we go to the market to buy food and eat out in swastik cottage-swastik means health, not what I thought it stood for. Then we will settle down on the floor - there is no coach, me in my sleeping bag wiggling around, for some tv. Either channel 3 news, channel 21 random bollywood dancing, or channel 32 a really bad 80's film never seen before because its so shit. About 8:30 I am about ready to issue an ASBO on the neighbour who decides to put his music on really load. And as I settle to bed about 9:30 and put my ear plugs in, it is all about to start again....

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